RCSLT Online Outcome Tool

Therapy Outcome Measures

Publications, presentations and resources

Chadd, K. and Moyse, K. (2020) Outcome measures and EBP. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 817, pp.20-21.   

Chadd, K. and Moyse, K. (2022) What we can learn from real world data on stroke survivors' equity of access to speech and language therapy services in the UK, UK Stroke Forum, 29 November 2022, Liverpool, UK.

Chadd, K. and Moyse, K. (2023) The value of real-world data in research and evidence-based healthcare [Webinar]. [Online]. AHP Research and Innovation Strategy Anniversary Event, 25 January 2023.

Chadd, K., Enderby, P. and Moyse, K. (2023) Swallowed up: balancing speech and language therapy for post-stroke dysphagia and communication difficulties. Poster presented to: UK Stroke Forum, 4-6 December 2023, Birmingham, UK.

Chadd, K., Enderby, P., Moyse, K., Gadhok, K., Lambert, S., Guest, P., Bedwell, M. and Pert, S. (2023) Variation in the Provision of Speech and Language Therapy Services to People with Aphasia, 32nd World Congress of the IALP, 22 August 2023, Auckland, New Zealand.

Chadd, K., Harding, S., Mortley, J. and Enderby, P. (2023) Improving efficiency through innovation in the ‘real-world’: Feasibility of a co-designed telehealth solution for individuals with aphasiaAdvances in Communication and Swallowing. 1-11. 

Chadd, K., Lambert, S. and Moyse, K. (2023) Using real-world data to identify health inequalities, RCSLT Conference 2023: Embracing the future together. [Online]. 1 November 2023.

Chadd, K., Lambert, S., Moyse, K., Enderby, P. and John, A. (2022) The value of evaluation in advancing speech and language therapy practice after the pandemic, 11th ESLA Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, 26 May 2022, Salzburg, Austria.

Chadd, K., Moyse, K. and Enderby, P. (2020) Importance of Routine Data Collection at Times of Disruption: Lessons from Speech and Language Therapy. Poster presented to: 2020 BSRM, SRR, ACPPLD Conference: Rehabilitation research, practice and education the era of COVID-19. [Online]. 10-11 November 2020.

Chadd, K., Moyse, K. and Enderby, P. (2020) Variation in the Provision and Outcomes of Speech and Language Therapy for People with Parkinson’s Disease in the UK. Poster presented to: Parkinson's UK Online Research Conference 2020: "Accelerating research and improving care". [Online]. 24-25 September 2020.

Chadd, K., Moyse, K. and Enderby, P. (2021) Impact of COVID-19 on the Speech and Language Therapy Profession and Their Patients, Frontiers in neurology. 12, 18;12:629190. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2021.629190.

Chadd, K., Moyse, K. and Enderby, P. (2023) COVID-19 – back into ROOTine? RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 834, pp.48-50.

Chalmers, S. (2022) Using outcome measures in a new area of practice: Long COVID.  Owning Outcomes: outcome measurement to deliver quality services [Webinar]. [Online]. RCSLT, 24 June 2022. Available from: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/outcome-measurement/outcome-measurement-learning/owning-outcomes-outcome-measurement-to-deliver-quality-services/   [Accessed 15 December 2023].

Chesters, J., Short, J., Mason, D., Prince, A., Howells, K., Moyse, K., Harding, S.A., Hayhow, R. and Wren, Y. (2022) Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the lives of people who stammer. [Online]. Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit. [Accessed 15 December 2023]. Available from: https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/bristol-speech-language-therapy-research-unit/bsltru-research/stammering

Crocker, A., Titterington, J. and Tennyson, M. (2024) An evaluation of a speech and language therapy eating, drinking and swallowing service for adults with intellectual disability, Tizard Learning Disability Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLDR-05-2023-0011 

Crocker, A., Titterington, J. and Tennyson, M. (2024) Patient and referral characteristics of adults with intellectual disability referred to speech and language therapy with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, Tizard Learning Disability Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/TLDR-12-2023-0038 

Davies, D. (2024) Hot clinics for SLT services: early findings from the only AHP primary care WG funded SLT post in Wales, RCSLT Connect Cymru 2024: One Wales, One Profession, 12 June 2024, Llandrindod, UK. 

Enderby, P. (2019) Using Big Data to Improve the Quality of Speech and Language Therapy Services, 31st World Congress of the I.A.L.P., 18 August 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.

Enderby, P. (2022) Building Research to Close the Science-Practice Gap in Communication Sciences and Disorders: A Global Perspective, 2022 ASHA Convention, 17 November 2022, New Orleans, USA.

Enderby, P. and John, A. (2019) Therapy Outcome Measure User Guide. Croydon, J&R Press Ltd.

Enderby, P. and Moyse, K. (2018) International classification of Functioning—An approach to outcome measurement, Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups. 3 (17), 99-108.

Enderby, P. and Moyse, K. (2023) Improving the quality of services for people with aphasia; practical implementation of TOMs and the ROOT [Webinar]. [Online]. British Aphasiology Society, 26 October 2023. 

Enderby, P. and Sutton, L. (2020) Where are we now with aphasia after stroke? Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 23 (8). S57-S62. https://doi.org/10.4103/aian.AIAN_666_20

Enderby, P., Gadhok and K., Moyse, K. (2016) Therapy Outcome Measure based on the ICF: The National Collection of Outcome Data in the UK, 30th World Congress of the I.A.L.P., 24 August 2016, Dublin, Ireland.

Enderby, P., Moyse, K., Bedwell, M. and Guest, P. (2018) Getting to the ROOT of measuring outcomes. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 791, pp.13-15.  

Enderby, P., Moyse, K., Chadd, K., Gadhok, K., Lambert, S., Guest, P., Bedwell, M. and Pert, S. (2023) Improving the Quality-of-Service Delivery Using Real-World Data, 32nd World Congress of the IALP, 24 August 2023, Auckland, New Zealand.

Enderby, P., Pettinger, N., Moyse, K., Bindemann, N., Bell, F. and Smith, F. (2021) Collecting and analysing outcome data: supporting service transformation, Physiotherapy UK 2021. [Online]. 6 November 2021.

Gadhok, K. and Moyse, K. (2017) Demonstrating the impact of speech and language therapy. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 785, p.15.

Gadhok, K., Moyse, K. and Brock, L. (2017) RCSLT Outcomes Project, RCSLT conference 2017: Maximising impact, 27 September 2017, Glasgow, UK.

Gadhok, K., Moyse, K. and Farrell, J. (2018) Are you ROOT ready? The value of the RCSLT Online Outcome Tool. [Webinar]. [Online]. RCSLT, 29 November 2018. 

Gadhok, K., Moyse, K., Bedwell, M. and Stroud, A. (2016) RCSLT Outcomes Project, TOMs CONNECT, 17 November 2016, Birmingham, UK.

Harris, C. (2022) Getting into Outcome Measures - experiences from an adult community service. Owning Outcomes: outcome measurement to deliver quality services [Webinar]. [Online]. RCSLT, 24 June 2022. Available from: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/outcome-measurement/outcome-measurement-learning/owning-outcomes-outcome-measurement-to-deliver-quality-services/   [Accessed 15 December 2023].

Lambert, S. and Chadd, K. (2021) Quality and quantity. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 828, pp.50-51.

Masterson, A. (2022) Using ROOT/TOMs within inpatient adult neuro-rehab. Owning Outcomes: outcome measurement to deliver quality services [Webinar]. [Online]. RCSLT, 24 June 2022. Available from: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/outcome-measurement/outcome-measurement-learning/owning-outcomes-outcome-measurement-to-deliver-quality-services/   [Accessed 15 December 2023].

Moyse, K. (2016) RCSLT Outcomes Project, RCSLT Study Day 2016, 29 September 2016, London, UK.

Moyse, K. (2021) Monitoring unwarranted variation. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 827, p.49.

Moyse, K. (2023) Supporting your professional development: the ROOT, RCSLT Conference 2023: Embracing the future together. [Online]. 1 November 2023.

Moyse, K. and Chadd, K. (2020) COVID-19 data collection, early insights. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 824, pp.24-25.

Moyse, K. and Chadd, K. (2021) Evaluating disruption. RCSLT Bulletin. Issue 826, pp.48-49.

Moyse, K. and Koziel, S. (2018) The value of outcome measurement in speech and language therapy services, RCSLT Study Day 2018: Showing your worth through value-based healthcare, 4 October 2018, Cardiff, UK.

Moyse, K., Chadd, K. and Dunn, F. (2022) What can real-world data tell us about how to deliver quality services? TOMs CONNECT. [Online]. 15 November 2022.

Moyse, K., Chadd, K., Brady, C. and Richens, D. (2020) Putting the ‘ROOT’ into ‘ROOTine’ Data Collection . TOMs CONNECT. [Online]. 4 November 2020.

Moyse, K., Enderby, P, Chadd, K., Gadhok, K. Bedwell, M. and Guest, P. (2020) Outcome measurement in speech and language therapy: a digital journey, BMJ Health and Care Informatics. 27:e100085. doi:10.1136/bmjhci-2019-10008

Moyse, K., Enderby, P., Chadd, K., Gadhok, K., Guest, P., Bedwell, M. (2023) Equity of Access for Children to Speech and Language Therapy in the UK. Poster presented to: 32nd World Congress of the IALP, 21 August 2023, Auckland, New Zealand.

Moyse, K., Enderby, P., Lambert, S. and Broll, J. (2024) Speech and language therapy for persons aged 80 years and over: what can real-world data tell us? Poster presented to: The Society of Research in Rehabilitation Winter Conference, 30 January 2024, London, UK.

NCEPOD (2023) Hard to Swallow? A review of the quality of dysphagia care provided to patients with Parkinson’s disease aged 16 years and over who were admitted to hospital when acutely unwell. NCEPOD Stakeholder meeting. https://www.ncepod.org.uk/pdf/current/Dysphagia/Dysphagia%20stakeholder%20meeting%20summary.pdf [Accessed 15 December 2023].

NICE (2020) Cerebral palsy in adults; NICE Quality Standard [QS191]. NICE [online]. Available from: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/qs191/chapter/Quality-statement-5-Communication [Accessed 15 December 2023].

RCSLT Sound Waves (2020) Measuring outcomes using the ROOT. [Podcast] 8 December 2020. Available from: https://soundcloud.com/rcslt/measuring-outcomes-using-the-root [Accessed 15 December 2023].  

Styles, V. (2018) Getting to the ROOT of why we measure outcomes: an update on the RCSLT Outcomes Programme, TOMs CONNECT, 27 November 2018, Birmingham, UK.

Styles, V. (2021) Developing outcome measures within a community of practice. Using outcome measures to drive quality improvement [Webinar]. [Online]. NHS England, 9 June 2021.  

Styles, V. (2022) Practical uses of outcome measure data - myth busting and maximising impact. Owning Outcomes: outcome measurement to deliver quality services [Webinar]. Available from: https://www.rcslt.org/members/delivering-quality-services/outcome-measurement/outcome-measurement-learning/owning-outcomes-outcome-measurement-to-deliver-quality-services/   [Accessed 15 December 2023].

Yoshimatsu, Y., Enderby, P.M., Hansjee, D. and Smithard, D.G. (2024)  Referral patterns to Speech and Language Therapy in the UK before, during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic: dysphagia compared with communication disorders, Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, https://doi.org/10.1159/000539436


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